Storybuilder Creative

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Why Storybuilder?

Construction marketing is... different.

If you search the internet for answers on how to market your commercial construction company more effectively, you've likely seen suggestions like this pop-up - "Run Google Ads!", "Start a Newsletter!" and my personal favorite, "Start Blogging!" 

The people saying these things aren't liars; they don't know the construction industry. The methods used in marketing clothing, books, online courses, or even a new car will not be as effective in the commercial construction industry.

Marketers with no experience in the construction industry fail to realize how much trust is extended when a contract is signed. 

If the buyer awards the wrong person, they're going to be stuck with them for months, or in some cases, years. Deals are made offline and through networks of people who refer to each other.

So what should commercial construction companies focus on? Building trust and relationships.

Your online presence should be an extension of what you're already doing to sell projects in the real world. Instead of sending a cold email, focus on all of the warm leads you have on LinkedIn. Find ways to serve those people build trust and relationships. 

Construction is about who you know. If you know how to navigate online, you can quickly get to know hundreds of people who are possible buyers.

How does Storybuilder fit in? 

The best people to represent the company are the people in the company. I teach people in your organization to be lethal weapons online. Storybuilder comes alongside people in your organization and teaches them to create things that tell your story, build relationships and trust. 

Do you do all of the work for me?

I want you to be a self-sustaining company that creates amazing things in-house. Ultimately, I want to help you set up internal systems and processes to keep cranking out incredible things online consistently. 

Getting those systems and processes take time, though, so I'm always available to lend a hand as needed. Whether you need help creating a video, taking photos, designing graphics, clarifying your messaging, or building a new website, I'm here to help make your brand look outstanding.